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Articles written in 2006 that Hacker News still talks about.
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2006How retiring segmentation in AMD64 long mode broke VMware (
53 points | 10 years ago with 11 comments
2006Can we trust floating-point numbers? (
53 points | 10 years ago with 40 comments
2006Aaron Swartz introducing Infogami (
52 points | 2 years ago with 9 comments
2006A Historical Look at the VAX: Microprocessor Economics (
52 points | 3 years ago with 18 comments
2006Ingres: Can You Ever Go Back? (
52 points | 5 years ago with 6 comments
2006The shady one-man corporation that's destroying hip-hop (
51 points | 10 years ago with 56 comments
2006Unifying Logical and Statistical AI (
51 points | 5 years ago with 4 comments
2006Alt-Enter doesn’t Window DOS graphics in XP, but worked in NT and Win2000 (
50 points | 1 year ago with 37 comments
2006Hiring: The Lake Wobegon Strategy (
50 points | 14 years ago with 29 comments
2006Large single compilation-unit C programs (
50 points | 3 years ago with 21 comments
2006The Helsinki Bus Station Theory (
50 points | 4 years ago with 7 comments
2006Mechanisms of scent-tracking in humans (
50 points | 1 year ago with 33 comments
2006Why the Apple phone will fail, and fail badly (
49 points | 1 year ago with 89 comments
2006It Isn’t Your Father’s Realtime Anymore: The Misuse of a Noble Term (
49 points | 9 years ago with 47 comments
2006Hammer and Tickle (
49 points | 2 years ago with 32 comments
2006Wikipedia Will Fail in Four Years (
48 points | 11 years ago with 50 comments
2006How Do You Teach Kids the Value of Money? (
48 points | 10 years ago with 84 comments
2006This Is Not America: Why Wal-Mart Left Germany (
48 points | 9 years ago with 75 comments
2006The Hard Disk That Changed the World (
48 points | 2 years ago with 26 comments
2006What part of speech is “the”? (
47 points | 9 years ago with 92 comments
2006Why dumb recruits cost the Army, big-time (
47 points | 6 years ago with 91 comments
2006Ternary Computers: The Setun and the Setun 70 (
47 points | 4 years ago with 10 comments
2006The Power of the Marginal (
47 points | 10 years ago with 5 comments
2006Clair Patterson's Battle Against Lead Pollution (
47 points | 5 years ago with 4 comments
2006The Interplanetary Transport Network (
47 points | 9 years ago with 2 comments
2006The Next Mainstream Programming Language: A Game Developer's Perspective (
47 points | 13 years ago with 18 comments
2006C# Application Markup Language (Csaml): A Preview (
47 points | 1 year ago with 30 comments
2006China's Art Factories: Van Gogh from the Sweatshop (
46 points | 6 years ago with 11 comments
2006VT220 Built-in Glyphs (
46 points | 3 years ago with 8 comments
2006Websites That Changed the World (
46 points | 10 months ago with 34 comments
2006Construction of a Highly Dependable Operating System (
46 points | 9 years ago with 18 comments
2006Web Design is 95% Typography (
46 points | 11 years ago with 8 comments
2006An ancient Greek calendar was ahead of its time (
45 points | 5 years ago with 20 comments
2006San Francisco's Postwar Sex District (
45 points | 2 years ago with 34 comments
2006Secret Santa is NP-Complete (
45 points | 8 years ago with 17 comments
2006Apocalypse 5: Pattern Matching (
45 points | 8 years ago with 3 comments
2006A No-Frills Introduction to Lua 5.1 VM Instructions (
45 points | 10 years ago with 5 comments
2006Defenses Against TCP SYN Flooding Attacks (
45 points | 5 years ago with 8 comments
2006Brazil's Pirahã Tribe: Living Without Numbers or Time (
45 points | 9 years ago with 30 comments
2006Ulrich Bretscher's Black Powder Page (
44 points | 7 years ago with 3 comments
2006So, you want to be a ROMhacker? (
44 points | 3 years ago with 7 comments
2006Why the Apple phone will fail, and fail badly (
44 points | 1 year ago with 75 comments
2006Ruby Design Principles – Yukihiro Matsumoto (
44 points | 9 years ago with 7 comments
2006The envelope paradox (
43 points | 8 years ago with 74 comments
2006Jobs vs. Gates: Who's the Star? (
43 points | 15 years ago with 17 comments
2006Design Patterns of 1972 (
43 points | 3 years ago with 10 comments
2006Test Anything Protocol specification (
43 points | 8 years ago with 10 comments
2006Learning About Cryptography (
42 points | 8 years ago with 0 comments
2006FBI Officer Speaks at Law School, Lists Food Not Bombs on “Terrorist Watch List” [pdf] (
42 points | 1 year ago with 17 comments
2006The Secret Sci-Fi Life of Alice B. Sheldon (
41 points | 6 years ago with 5 comments

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