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The best articles from, according to Hacker News.
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2002Can’t send email more than 500 miles (
1158 points | 1 year ago with 195 comments
1994The Unix-Haters Handbook (
824 points across 4 posts | 5 years ago with 157 comments
2003An Idiot’s guide to Support vector machines (
457 points across 2 posts | 4 years ago with 31 comments
1998How Complex Systems Fail (
255 points across 3 posts | 5 years ago with 33 comments
2000A vi-centric family tree of editors (
229 points | 7 years ago with 90 comments
1982Real Programmers Don't Use Pascal (
207 points across 2 posts | 5 years ago with 91 comments
2001Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems That Never Happened (
201 points | 9 years ago with 50 comments
1990Bill Watterson Commencement Speech (
180 points | 9 months ago with 52 comments
2008Why the Soviet Union did not build a nationwide computer network (
161 points | 6 years ago with 154 comments
2002How complex systems fail (
154 points | 7 years ago with 19 comments
1977Applied Mathematical Programming (
142 points | 8 years ago with 27 comments
1988Designing an Authentication System: A Dialogue in Four Scenes (
141 points across 2 posts | 4 years ago with 25 comments
1979How to Share a Secret [pdf] (
140 points | 2 years ago with 35 comments
2009The Mathematics of the Rubik’s Cube (
135 points | 5 years ago with 42 comments
1975On the Folly of Rewarding A, While Hoping for B (
133 points | 4 years ago with 48 comments
2000Down From the Top of Its Game: The Story of Infocom, Inc (
115 points across 2 posts | 9 years ago with 32 comments
1960Cyborgs and Space (
102 points across 2 posts | 4 years ago with 10 comments
1984The 2 Sigma Problem (
94 points across 2 posts | 2 years ago with 46 comments
2001Measures of Complexity: A non-exhaustive list (
92 points | 7 years ago with 7 comments
1998“Devil Girl from Mars”: Why I Write Science Fiction (
92 points | 5 years ago with 10 comments
2001Symbolics, Inc.: A failure of heterogeneous engineering (
90 points | 3 years ago with 54 comments
2001Mathematical Theory of Claude Shannon (
90 points | 9 years ago with 2 comments
2003The Origin of Mass (
87 points | 7 years ago with 28 comments
2003Understanding, finding, and eliminating ground loops (
79 points | 6 years ago with 13 comments
2010Explained: The Shannon Limit (
79 points | 12 years ago with 15 comments
1995Counterintuitive Behavior of Social Systems (
61 points | 8 years ago with 12 comments
1992The Beer Game (
58 points | 2 years ago with 28 comments
2001Review of “The Fabric of Reality” by David Deutsch (
55 points | 3 years ago with 19 comments
2003The xine hacker's guide (
50 points | 1 year ago with 24 comments
1940Science and Linguistics (
43 points | 6 years ago with 10 comments
1996Ricardo's Difficult Idea by Paul Krugman (
41 points across 2 posts | 8 years ago with 46 comments
2004The Spread of Feynman Diagrams in the USA, Japan, and the USSR (
41 points | 7 years ago with 2 comments

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