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Articles written in 1939 that Hacker News still talks about.
Go back or forward one year. See all articles from 1930 to 1939.
1939The usefulness of useless knowledge (
246 points across 2 posts | 5 years ago with 12 comments
1939The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge (
96 points | 2 years ago with 23 comments
1939Feynman’s first paper (
94 points | 7 years ago with 14 comments
1939Graphic Presentation (
82 points | 9 years ago with 16 comments
1939The Relation Between Mathematics and Physics (
77 points | 5 years ago with 18 comments
1939Artyping (
60 points | 5 years ago with 6 comments
1939Democracity a planned community of the future (
50 points | 2 years ago with 16 comments
1939Elektro, the Moto-Man, Is a Friendly “Frankenstein” (
31 points | 1 year ago with 8 comments
1939The Book of Record of the Time Capsule of Cupaloy (
20 points | 2 years ago with 4 comments

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