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Articles written in 1991 that Hacker News still talks about.
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1991They're Made Out of Meat (
1555 points across 3 posts | 8 months ago with 168 comments
1991Pre-industrial workers had a shorter workweek than today's (
1083 points across 2 posts | 2 years ago with 405 comments
1991The WorldWideWeb application is now available as an alpha release (
438 points | 12 years ago with 125 comments
1991What would you like to see most in minix? (
398 points | 10 years ago with 186 comments
1991A TCP/IP Tutorial (
290 points | 4 years ago with 33 comments
1991Linus Torvalds announces Linux (
248 points | 5 years ago with 140 comments
1991Paradigms of A.I. Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp (
235 points | 1 year ago with 95 comments
1991IRC logs from the beginning of the Gulf War (
220 points | 10 years ago with 105 comments
1991Phenethylamines I Have Known and Loved (
202 points | 2 years ago with 162 comments
1991Introduction to the Theory of Programming Languages (
198 points | 1 year ago with 53 comments
1991Tim Berners-Lee's Original Announcement (
184 points | 11 years ago with 35 comments
1991Lecture on Creativity (
154 points | 7 years ago with 29 comments
1991Combinatorial Music Theory (
151 points | 8 years ago with 12 comments
1991The Six-Lesson Schoolteacher, by John Taylor Gatto (
138 points across 2 posts | 3 years ago with 20 comments
1991Getting Started in Star Lisp (
138 points across 2 posts | 6 years ago with 7 comments
1991The Rise of Worse Is Better (
132 points across 2 posts | 4 years ago with 37 comments
1991Functional programming with bananas, lenses, envelopes and barbed wire [pdf] (
131 points | 2 years ago with 28 comments
1991Lisp: Good News, Bad News, How to Win Big (
131 points across 2 posts | 4 years ago with 21 comments
1991What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic (
123 points | 4 years ago with 85 comments
1991Understand (
117 points | 1 year ago with 38 comments
1991Beyond Cyberpunk: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to the Future (
116 points | 4 years ago with 5 comments
1991The Taos Operating System (
110 points | 9 years ago with 93 comments
1991Language as an intellectual tool: From hieroglyphics to APL (
108 points across 2 posts | 4 years ago with 19 comments
1991The 1936-1937 Purge of Soviet Astronomers (
101 points | 2 years ago with 71 comments
1991Forth – The Early Years (
98 points | 8 years ago with 20 comments
1991“The WorldWideWeb (WWW) project aims to allow links to information” (
93 points | 7 years ago with 31 comments
1991Relational databases performed a task that didn't need doing (
91 points | 14 years ago with 49 comments
1991World Wide Web (
90 points across 2 posts | 7 years ago with 13 comments
1991HyperCard Stack: Douglas Adams' Megapode Nest Volume Calculator (
89 points | 5 years ago with 19 comments
1991Intelligence Without Reason (
86 points | 4 years ago with 11 comments
1991The undeserved status of the pigeon-hole principle (
80 points | 4 years ago with 33 comments
1991The Computer for the 21st Cenury (
78 points | 6 years ago with 16 comments
1991Neo Geo Programming Guide (
76 points | 8 years ago with 16 comments
1991The Object-Oriented Amiga Exec (
72 points | 3 years ago with 18 comments
1991When Is It Legal to Lie in Negotiations? (
71 points | 10 years ago with 46 comments
1991The Taos Operating System (
71 points across 2 posts | 6 years ago with 9 comments
1991A Mathematical Trivium (
70 points | 3 years ago with 15 comments
1991The Lisp Machine: Noble Experiment or Fabulous Failure? (
68 points | 9 years ago with 47 comments
1991Ways to Fool the Masses Giving Performance Results on Vector Computers (
68 points | 5 years ago with 8 comments
1991Forth – The Early Years (
68 points | 3 years ago with 31 comments
1991Porting Unix to the 386: a Practical Approach (
64 points | 7 years ago with 29 comments
1991Nietzsche on Truth and Lie (
61 points | 3 years ago with 25 comments
1991The Wonderful Power of Storytelling (
57 points | 11 years ago with 11 comments
1991Hard-Coding Bottom-Up Code Generation Tables to Save Time and Space (
56 points | 4 years ago with 14 comments
1991DOS as a Mach 3.0 Application (
53 points | 8 years ago with 7 comments
1991How the Supermarket Tabloids Stay Out of Court (
49 points | 8 years ago with 53 comments
1991Profile: David A. Huffman (
47 points | 5 years ago with 2 comments
1991Warren's Abstract Machine: A Tutorial Reconstruction (
46 points | 5 years ago with 6 comments
1991Computer for the 21st Century (
44 points | 5 years ago with 9 comments
1991CACM special issue on Lisp (
44 points | 1 year ago with 4 comments

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