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The best articles from, according to Hacker News.
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2012Functional programming in C++ (
540 points across 3 posts | 3 years ago with 100 comments
20011500 Archers on a 28.8: Network Programming in Age of Empires and Beyond (
343 points | 6 years ago with 95 comments
2013How I Used Eve Online to Predict the Great Recession (
256 points across 2 posts | 6 years ago with 105 comments
2013My Hardest Bug Ever (
247 points across 2 posts | 7 years ago with 7 comments
2010More Dirty Coding Tricks from Game Developers (
241 points | 8 years ago with 134 comments
1999The Cabal: Valve’s Design Process for Creating Half-Life (
188 points | 3 years ago with 84 comments
1999What I Learned Coding X-Wing vs TIE Fighter (
166 points | 7 years ago with 24 comments
1999Valve’s Design Process For Creating Half-Life (
152 points | 10 years ago with 25 comments
1999The Internet Sucks: Or, What I Learned Coding X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (
150 points | 10 years ago with 107 comments
2005How to Prototype a Game in Under 7 Days (
135 points | 7 years ago with 48 comments
2015Designing Zachtronics' TIS-100 (
126 points | 6 years ago with 33 comments
2011In-Depth: Static Code Analysis (
122 points | 5 years ago with 13 comments
2013Programmer, interrupted (
106 points | 7 years ago with 44 comments
2008The Making Of Dwarf Fortress (
95 points | 12 years ago with 7 comments
2011Where Games Go to Sleep: The Game Preservation Crisis (
92 points | 7 years ago with 59 comments
2018The making of Dark Castle (
74 points | 3 years ago with 30 comments
2013Black Annex: A QBasic Game for the 21st Century (
70 points | 6 years ago with 39 comments
2001Keeping the Pirates at Bay (
65 points across 2 posts | 9 years ago with 2 comments
2009The Rise and Fall of the Dreamcast (
60 points | 9 years ago with 26 comments
1999Postmortem: DreamWorks Interactive's Trespasser (
51 points | 4 years ago with 19 comments

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