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The best articles from, according to Hacker News.
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2016Programmer Moneyball (
1365 points across 3 posts | 2 years ago with 72 comments
2017Keyboard Latency (
1059 points across 3 posts | 1 year ago with 109 comments
2016HN: The Good Parts (
770 points across 2 posts | 1 year ago with 45 comments
2015Normalization of Deviance (
748 points across 3 posts | 1 year ago with 219 comments
2017CPU branch prediction evolution over years (
719 points across 4 posts | 1 year ago with 70 comments
2018CPU Bugs (
660 points across 2 posts | 3 years ago with 20 comments
2017Terminal Latency (
651 points across 3 posts | 1 year ago with 40 comments
2016I could do that in a weekend (
459 points across 2 posts | 2 years ago with 84 comments
2017Computer input latency from 1977-2017 (
454 points | 3 years ago with 259 comments
2014Cache Eviction: When Are Randomized Algorithms Better Than LRU? (
427 points across 2 posts | 5 years ago with 42 comments
2015Why Use ECC? (
379 points across 2 posts | 3 years ago with 98 comments
2014Teach Debugging (
340 points across 2 posts | 3 years ago with 34 comments
2015Files Are Hard (
297 points across 2 posts | 4 years ago with 50 comments
2015What's new in CPUs since the 80s? (
289 points across 2 posts | 2 years ago with 106 comments
2017The modern web on a slow connection (
222 points | 3 years ago with 173 comments
2014How misaligning data can increase performance by reducing cache misses (
192 points across 2 posts | 7 years ago with 15 comments
2016Hiring and the Market for Lemons (
180 points across 2 posts | 4 years ago with 49 comments
2014Speeding up this site by 50x (
180 points | 2 years ago with 71 comments
2015Advantages of Monorepos (
180 points | 2 years ago with 137 comments
2015What happens when you load a URL? (
170 points | 3 years ago with 72 comments
2010Are closed social networks inevitable? (
170 points | 7 years ago with 91 comments
2014Let's Write a Malloc (
129 points | 8 months ago with 29 comments
2014One Week of Bugs (
121 points across 2 posts | 2 years ago with 15 comments
2015What's worked in Computer Science (
118 points | 6 years ago with 62 comments
2013Why hardware development is hard, part 1: Verilog is weird (
112 points | 7 years ago with 112 comments
2007History of Symbolics Lisp Machines (
108 points | 6 years ago with 11 comments
2017Sattolo's Algorithm (
100 points | 3 years ago with 20 comments
2016Is Dev Compensation Bimodal? (
94 points | 3 years ago with 141 comments
2015Boring Languages Are Underrated (
75 points | 2 years ago with 96 comments
2014Assembly vs. Intrinsics (
69 points | 3 years ago with 9 comments
2016Notes on Concurrency Bugs (
67 points | 2 years ago with 25 comments
2017Filesystem Error Handling (
54 points | 3 years ago with 1 comments
2013Linear Hammer: PCA is not a panacea (
52 points | 2 years ago with 20 comments
2014Literature review on the benefits of static types (
42 points | 9 months ago with 69 comments

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