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The best articles from, according to Hacker News.
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2016Mass surveillance silences minority opinions, according to study (
558 points across 2 posts | 8 months ago with 13 comments
2015Law enforcement took more stuff from people than burglars did last year (
491 points across 5 posts | 7 months ago with 9 comments
2013NSA tracking cellphone locations worldwide, Snowden documents show (
386 points | 8 years ago with 172 comments
2014The open-office trend is destroying the workplace (
348 points | 7 years ago with 226 comments
2007My National Security Letter Gag Order (
307 points | 13 years ago with 60 comments
2015Law enforcement took more stuff from people than burglars did last year (
235 points | 7 years ago with 38 comments
2017Amount of work that once bought an hour of light now buys 51 years of it (
210 points | 1 year ago with 328 comments
1998The Hardy Boys - The final chapter (
192 points | 13 years ago with 91 comments
1924'Hitler Tamed by Prison' (
166 points | 7 years ago with 124 comments
2014USPS loses millions each year on local delivery of mail from abroad (
151 points | 7 years ago with 161 comments
2015My township calls my lawn ‘a nuisance’ (
122 points | 7 years ago with 112 comments
2014Workplaces need more walls, not fewer (
120 points | 7 years ago with 116 comments
2013Slashdot founder Rob Malda on why there won’t be another Hacker News (
118 points | 1 year ago with 131 comments
2014Being a cop showed me just how racist and violent the police are (
114 points | 8 years ago with 61 comments
2014Peer pressure’s effects are perhaps more powerful than we thought (
110 points | 7 years ago with 84 comments
2015Quick fix for an early Internet problem lives on a quarter-century later (
106 points across 2 posts | 5 years ago with 7 comments
2012Do the math: too much calculus? (
104 points | 7 years ago with 212 comments
2014Don’t support laws you are not willing to kill to enforce (
104 points | 8 years ago with 140 comments
2014Teacher spends two days as a student (
100 points | 7 years ago with 103 comments
2018CDC to cut by 80 percent efforts to prevent global disease outbreak (
97 points | 4 years ago with 15 comments
2007A Story of Surveillance (
94 points | 11 years ago with 21 comments
2009Forgetting a Child in a Car Is a Horrifying Mistake. Is It a Crime? (
92 points | 6 years ago with 220 comments
1999‘I Had A Funny Feeling in My Gut’ (
88 points | 5 years ago with 22 comments
2015Study finds, surprisingly, that women are favored for jobs in STEM (
85 points | 2 years ago with 37 comments
1998Washington Pizza Index (
80 points | 1 year ago with 57 comments
2019The ‘uncured’ bacon illusion: It’s cured, and it’s not better for you (
71 points | 2 years ago with 118 comments
1980Down on 'The Farm': Learning How to Spy for the CIA (
69 points | 3 years ago with 13 comments
2017China manufactures a ballpoint pen all by itself (
68 points | 4 years ago with 30 comments
2015The oddly beautiful and sometimes disturbing artistic talent of drug cops (
59 points | 5 years ago with 25 comments
1984In the Strange Land of Robert Heinlein (
58 points | 3 years ago with 65 comments
2015Limited airborne transmission of Ebola is ‘very likely,’ analysis says (
55 points | 6 years ago with 15 comments
2018My child has two parents. Why does day care call only me? (
52 points | 3 years ago with 83 comments
2017Blogger in Ohio discovered runner in Florida cheating in a half-marathon (
48 points | 2 years ago with 31 comments
2019Tesla fire kills man because door handles wouldn’t open, lawsuit alleges (
46 points | 3 years ago with 92 comments
2009Forgetting a Child in a Car Is a Horrifying Mistake. Is It a Crime? (
40 points | 2 years ago with 101 comments
2018Child calling Santa reached NORAD instead. Christmas was never the same (
31 points | 2 years ago with 2 comments
2019‘Don’t leave campus’: Parents are now using apps to watch their kids at college (
16 points | 2 years ago with 15 comments
2007Pearls Before Breakfast (
13 points | 2 years ago with 7 comments
2004Reagan Approved Plan to Sabotage Soviets (
10 points | 1 year ago with 3 comments

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